Working From Home

Well as many of you probably know I recently took a job for a call center. With the current pandemic going on it was convenient as I’m able to be a supervisor for a contact center and do it all remotely. While I haven’t yet got into the full aspects of the job yet, as I’ve been in training along with agents…I’ve enjoyed being able to work from home. My previous job from my current residence was 45 minute drive one way. So I spent 1.5 hours a day in just commuting, if I avoiding get stuck behind any accidents or having to take any detours on the way home. My job prior to that to this residence was a 25 minute drive so 50 minutes a day spent communicating for that job. This job, I wake up, get dressed and I only have to walk to the living room. My plan tomorrow night is go to bed earlish, wake up go for a short walk or even possibly a bike ride then come home and pour a cup of coffee before I start my shift at 9a.

Something else I’m enjoying about this job is that we are using modern software. I’m working on my Macbook pro which I love. I do use my external logitech keyboard for almost all my typing just because it has the number keypad but it’s been great to have that there as a resource. Thankfully Mykle allowed me to rearrange the living room so now I’m no longer staring directly at the wall in the living room. There is now a walkway between the wall and my desk as my desk is facing our bathroom. This was actually done intentionally to allow us both to access the most of the house without fear she may be caught on camera. While I can’t wait to move and have my own room as on office, I’m still curious to see if I can find decent internet available to the property.