Dear Mom,
We both know that you’ve been through a lot in life, heck we’ve both been through some big trials together. I just wanted to let you know that even though you may be imperfect thats fine with me. I’ve saw some of the mistakes you’ve made and can use that to learn from myself. I can take some of the wisdom you’ve shared with me and be wiser with out the pain. Because of you I can thrive. You’ve been there through my ups and downs and supported me when I lost my footing…more than once in life. While I may not have always been able to count on the people that I thought I could count on. I’ve always been able to count on you. Even when I didn’t agree with your lesson plan. Thank you for putting up with my in my stubborn teenage years and dumb early twenties. Just wanted to let you know that you did alright. I’m proud of who I am today and it’s because I’ve watched you. Love you mom!
Your son,