Thanking God for my church Family

I’m sure many of you reading this have attended a church. Most of you I’d also guess have also been church hurt. I’ve been there, I’ve been let down by people that told me they’d alway’s be there and all I had to do was call. Many of you probably know at this point that I’m a proud member of the Lyons Community Church. Since there very beginning of me going the other members of the church have been loving and have offered to help out when they could.

Yesterday a loved one of my cousin need a ride to rehab so that she could get the help she needed to kick an addiction. I needed to head to bed so I was unable to drive her. She was suppose to be taken by a family member but they became very rude and aggressive. I quietly whispered to her to hang up which she did. I then called my Pastor to let him know they pickle I’d just encountered and see if he had any ideas on who might possibly be able to help. He recommended I get ahold of a woman in the church. I messaged her through FB and with in minutes she was calling my cell. I explained to her the situation this girl was in and that she was trying to get the help she needed she just didn’t have the transportation needed to get there. My friend gladly called someone who could help and a ride was arranged. I prayed with my cousin and his loved one before I left then also checked in with my church contact. I’m so glad that the people in my church are dependable and do hold up to their promises.