Tag: Mylife

  • It’s me again!

    I hope as you are reading this you are doing well. You probably notice that it’s been a while since I’ve posted. I’ve been dealing with some depression post divorce. It’s been a struggle to get out of bed some days but through God I’ve made it through each day.

    If you ask me my life looks so different then it did since Mykle and I split. I still work for the same facility that I was working at when we split but we have changed names and ownership. I still get up each morning and try and put a smile on my face as I go out the door. Some days are more difficult than others. I’ve learned that some people I thought I could count on no matter what aren’t there like I expected them to be. I’ve had numerous people who I thought considered me priority show me that I’m not quite the priority that I thought I was. But GOD! I’ve made it through it all. This isn’t a post to glorify mental health. This is a post to glorify that each day I wake up because a God in heaven is not done with me yet. Today I’ve spent most of my day updating the church website found (Here). Feel free to go check it out and come back here and comment what you’d like to see it added.

  • When you find your match.

    When you find your match.

    So as many of you are probably aware, for a few years now I’ve been searching for a partner that complimented me well. I’ve not had much luck in my last few relationships but this girl, Mykle. Let me tell you. She gets me like no one else has. She and I both work 2nd shift right now which works at well because we go in and get off at roughly the same time each day. I’m not stuck waiting on her to get home each day for hours on end and vice versa.  

      The best part is though that she allows me to thrive in my hobbies, reading, listen to podcast, geeking out with tech. And while she has her own and I fully support them I’m not use to that level of support. She’s helped me work on my tiny house, she’s encouraged me to work on it even when I’m tired. She pushes me to do better for myself even when I’m running low on steam. And amazingly she doesn’t force me she just gives me that extra push of motivation that’s needed. Honestly in the 7 months we’ve been dating I really feel like we’ve grown together a lot and can’t wait for the many more memories we will make together.