So much has been going on in the last few weeks. I’ve taken on a role as a webmaster for a local church. I’m not currently linking to their site because it’s not important. What’s important to me is that God’s being glorified by my role as webmaster. It’s given me a new purpose at that church as well. I’ve also been doing Adult Bible Studies authored by Priscilla Shrier. They’ve been an excellent resource in teaching me so much about myself.
I’ve also recently decided to take a change in how I approach people. Even long time friends. It’s no longer about what I can do for them or what they can do for me but about just trying to be understanding. Life happens, it’s easy to get tangled up. I’ve noticed people’s ability to prioritize or de-prioritize you will be based upon their environment. If you are super beneficial to them you’ll be high, but if someone else comes along and offers them attention they will discard you faster than a bad penny.
What I’m looking forward to is taking the oldest to the Jordan Feliz concert in late October. I’ve asked her to go with me so that I didn’t have to go alone. She agreed and asked to bring a friend which I told her would be fine. I believe my mother and possibly my brother may attend but even if not I won’t be alone. I’m beyond excited to be able to share this moment with her and share a little Jesus with her.