So as many of you know my mamaw passed away on March 5th. This was very difficult for our family as we where all close with her. The joy of the lord that my mamaw carried was apparent to everyone who met her. Nathaniel who spoke a bit at the funeral mentioned how she would pray for anyone, anywhere, with out a second thought. I’d say for about the last six months the lord has been dealing with me to be more diligent in prayer. Reminding me that my power is prayer is greater when I’m praying for what others are needing from God then when I myself am praying. This is not saying that God doesn’t answer my prayers or that those prayers said are simply weaker, this is that God finds favor on prayers that are said from someone who is being a servant to another, the one that is after God’s own heart.
With the passing of my mamaw almost immediately after the news I felt in my spirit that God was saying now is the time to answer the call. My mamaw was the prayer warrior, if you where sick and she prayed over you with in the hour you felt better. I felt like God put in my spirit that it’s my time to pick up the stick and start being available pretty much 24/7 for people to pray a heart felt, a true prayer unto God.
Also I felt like the chance to witness to a family member who was struggling by simply remind them that what my mamaw would want in their life more than anything is for them to have a personal relationship with Christ. That way when we pass we can join mamaw in heaven and worship Christ together into eternity.