I’m not sure if I shared it with everyone whom is reading this but last month Prophet Bob prophesied that our church would do 30-days of Fasting & Prayer. I didn’t do a Food fast, but a social media fast. As someone who commonly “Doom” scrolls through facebook or browse’s Twitter for new tech articles to read yesterday was a hard day. I wanted so hard to keep opening the app, opened it up a couple times but as it was loading I closed it and had to remind myself that I was fasting. I don’t consider that cheat as it was rather a moment of human weakness but I overrode that in reminder and in prayer that I was trying to accomplish something bigger. I signed up for both Friday 4th & 11th. I feel next Friday will be more impact for me as it will be a second time of doing so and feel I should also have better self control over myself in this fast.
I can’t wait to see how not only how I grow but how our church body grows as well. Lord thank you for covering me in grace and allowing me to continue to grow in you.