Positive Vibe…Positive Tribe

I’ve been reminded this week that what you put into the atmosphere has a big impact on what you will perceive. I’d been having some issues at work with being delegated more work than anyone else. I was working a full two stations by myself while others where working 1 or even a 3rd of one station. So I felt like I was being asked to do above and beyond with out being compensated or even really recognized. But I decided when I returned to work after my mini vacation to Alabama that I was going in with the attitude that this is going to be a great day. I started off my morning by texting my momma. “This is the day the lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” This was a verse that was stuck in my head from the moment I woke up. Believe it or not this made all the difference in the atmosphere around me, I heard less cursing, I heard less rude comments, and overall everyone seemed in a better mood.

This story reminds me of the book from Joyce Meyer called Battlefield of the Mind. This book illustrated how many of our battles simply exist in our own head and if we go with an attitude that today is going to be good, for God has ordained this path before me that that is what our heart and our minds will seek. It sometimes gets hard to keep this up but when you force yourself to do it. The pay off is worth it in the end.