Mini Praise Report

Well yesterday when I called my mom she told me that I had received a check in the mail from a car place. I knew the name the moment she told me. I asked her to conform that it was indeed a real check and not one of those promotional checks bring this in and we’ll give you the value of this…..Well she opened it and confirmed it was a check in my name. I put the money in my account and then last night Mykle got stuck on her way home from work. I had her call a couple tire places in Bloomington and get prices for tires. She sent me the price and it’s literally $2 more than the face value of the check I received. I thought this was amazing.

The other thing that fascinates me about this is when I received this check unexpectedly I said I to myself I want to use at least some of this money to bless someone else since I’d already forgot about the money I’d spent with them. Well turns out I’m blessing my fiancée just didn’t know it. So mini praise report thanking God for sending me the money at just the right time to make sure she was taken care of and for keeping her safe last night on her way home.