Many of you may know that I’m currently dating a wonderful woman named Mykle. We are excited for 1/17 as we are going to get couple pictures done. My friend Jamey McVey has agreed to take pictures for us so we can have a beautiful set of pictures that we will look back on forever. This was something Jamey actually offered to do when I was discussing that Mykle has been wanting it done for a minute now. While I’m not particularly photogenic I’m excited that she is getting something she wants. (Pictures to be posted following shoot and receipt of images)
Other exciting news I start at Boston Scientific on 1/11. I’ve been waiting on this since about the beginning of December but my positive Covid Diagnosis and resulting quarantine slowed my start date. Upon completing mandated quarantine and being symptom free for over a week. I was told I needed to take another test which was a false negative, then required to take another covid test which was actually just negative. Finally after the Covid-19 ordeal I will be starting a new place of employment.
Friendly reminder our church is having services. If you are unable to attend due to health reason’s, commute is just to far, or not sure if our service fits you, check out our facebook page Lyons Community Church Events and see our live broadcast.
I’m hoping to work up the courage to speak with Pastor Larry or Assistant Pastor Leslie about how to pray, study, and step into God’s plan of winning youth to his kingdom.