Ever wish you could be forgiven for every wrong you’ve done in your life. Every hurt that you’ve caused and everything thing you’ve done in the shadows. Through Christ Jesus we are forgiven of our sins. We can live out our life not worrying about our past wrongs and when they will come back to bite us. Through Christ we are free to live and know that when we die we aren’t going to a place of suffering. I’m not saying that your past won’t haunt you while you are on earth. If you have murdered someone and have not yet made it right with the justice system you will most likely have to serve time in prison for the crime. I would actually encourage you to first ask for salvation then to turn yourself into the authorities. Then know that when you pass away whether in Prison or back on the outside that you may live and not perish.
Many may not know that youngest brother came out to my parents and the family as Gay. While I personally feel this is a sin and choose not to live the lifestyle myself, I feel it’s an attack of the enemy. I choose to love him anyway. I still invite him to come to church just as I would my other siblings. I still let him know that I love him and that God loves him but I don’t do it in such a manner that I’m shoving it down his throat. I do it as a, Hey! Come try out my church, its different then other churches you’ve been to. My pastor has openly said in sermons that we are not to treat anther any different then we would treat him because of their sin, whether they are a drug addict fighting for deliverance or they are a first time comer to Jesus, or this is their 80th time whining on the pulpit requesting forgiveness. We love them as Christ loved us and we are to show them they are loved. I personally have struggled with a judgemental spirit. This comes from years of sitting around others that would judge people. While I’m still praying to change this, it’s still a battle for me. This is the thing I’m still crying out to Jesus to help me with. So thank you God for setting me free and showing me that your grace is still enough.