Faith. What does that mean to you?

When you hear the word Faith what do you think of? Is this just something the Christian’s do? This is something we hear often in the Christian world, just have faith. Sounds easy when things are going well but what about when things get difficult? To me I consider my faith sacred. I have actually spoken with my employer and let them know that having Sunday’s off so I can participate in my church services as much as possible. I do believe in the mean is faith is what you believe and I have faith that through my God I will be victorious. But often times when speaking of my “religion” I refer to it as my faith because I want what I believe to be present throughout my life.

I consider myself a Christian. I try to attend church as much as my 2nd Shift schedule allows me to but I also try to share my faith were ever I go. To me when I get identified as a Christian by someone who doesn’t really know me, I consider it a compliment. To me this means the Lord’s light is shining through me. I’m not perfect. But I’m made perfect through Christ. If you don’t have a local church, find one that is biblically based. If you need help feel free to email me. [email protected] I will reach out to a few contacts in your area and help you find one. Don’t let one Sunday keep you from searching. I’ve attended several churches that weren’t my home but were there for a season. You will feel it in your spirit when you find the right place.