This morning as I drove to Boston I was listening to Joyce Meyer’s enjoying your everday life. As I was listening she was talking about things people get in a hurry and forget about as they head out the door. She mentioned people forgetting to put on make-up, a watch, their cell phone. She asked the audience “Would you go back and get the item if you forgot it at home?”. She had a good point, to often we leave the house and don’t think twice if we have spent time with God. Often times my conversation with God is while I’m driving or when I’m just sitting at home and eating or getting ready to head out. But Joyce’s point is still good. We need to remember that even if we forget to pray before we walk out the door, we need to slow down and pray. Personally I like to think that I can always talk to the Holy Spirit. I found myself today when working with the break out welder, saying thank you Jesus every time I was able to weld one of the pieces I had so much trouble getting the computer to align. The nice thing about the environment that I was in is it’s slightly noise so I’m able to sing/hum where I’m not disturbing others but still getting some worship time in. Thank you Jesus for watching over me and thank you for making sure that for the most part I kept money in my pocket through the difficult time of unemployment.
Do you forget?
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