
  • When you find your match.

    When you find your match.

    So as many of you are probably aware, for a few years now I’ve been searching for a partner that complimented me well. I’ve not had much luck in my last few relationships but this girl, Mykle. Let me tell you. She gets me like no one else has. She and I both work 2nd shift right now which works at well because we go in and get off at roughly the same time each day. I’m not stuck waiting on her to get home each day for hours on end and vice versa.  

      The best part is though that she allows me to thrive in my hobbies, reading, listen to podcast, geeking out with tech. And while she has her own and I fully support them I’m not use to that level of support. She’s helped me work on my tiny house, she’s encouraged me to work on it even when I’m tired. She pushes me to do better for myself even when I’m running low on steam. And amazingly she doesn’t force me she just gives me that extra push of motivation that’s needed. Honestly in the 7 months we’ve been dating I really feel like we’ve grown together a lot and can’t wait for the many more memories we will make together. 

  • Happiness. It is a Mindset

    So today I was listening to Joyce Meyer, actually daily this week I’ve been listening to Joyce teach on happiness. Honestly it’s exactly what I needed to hear. I’ve not been attending church as regularly as I use to. My work has been having me work evening on Sundays which has me wanting to try and sleep in on Sunday morning but I know that’s a spiritual attack from the devil trying to keep me from getting what I need to get to grow. Joyce has been speaking about how happiness isn’t about what you are going through in life but how we choose to view the battle. Is it a chance to grow? Usually the answer can be a yes. What the devil uses to come against us is the very same thing that Christ can turn around and use to release. Joyce referenced the story of Shadrack, Meshack, & Abendago, who were cast into a fiery furnace 7 times hotter than it usually it. So hot that the three guards tasked with throwing them in fell back from heat exhaustion as the three men fell. Not only this but Christ joined them and used the fire to break them free of their bondage and Christ protected them in the midst of the fire.

    How amazing it must be to not fall into the trap of the devil but turn the fire around and use it to set your ties free so that you can walk out unharmed and stronger than before. Thank you lord for bringing me through my trials, for loving me and for allowing me to remember life is about the choices I make and to be set free. For allowing me to remember I don’t have to be go around depressed or choosing to living in bondage or under constant attack from the devil but I can be set free and be free indeed.

  • Tiny House update

    I didn’t get to grab a picture yet but over the weekend I stayed in my tiny house with my wonderful girlfriend Mykle. Her father gave me a window a/c unit when we were in Alabama so I installed it and have been using the box fan for circulating air. However this weekend I finally installed my ceiling fan. It doesn’t sound like a big thing, but I’ve never installed a ceiling fan or even wired on up. I’ve watched people do it but never really did it hands on. So I was excited that I was able to do it myself. I also was pleased that I was able to add a longer downrod on my own and didn’t need to ask for assistance. I was able to install the ceiling and 18 down rod but simply reading the directions and knowing a little bit about wiring electric outlets. I cheated and youtubed how to wire a light switch and it functions as expected.

    To be fully liveable I feel I need to install the final window of my desk in the office and to install the insulation in the walls of my office and add the staircase to the loft. Once that is done I’ll finish the floors put down some paper and move furniture in. I will then start working on my walls.. Deciding if I will do paneling. What I’m considering or If I will do paneling. I’m thinking I may do drywall on my walls but I haven’t decided.

    Any thoughts leave a comment. But share nothing but love. For now Mykle and I are going to keep working on it together.

  • Hey!

    I bet that headline got your attention. Sorry it’s been a minute since I put up a post. My schedule has been wonky the last few weeks with my vacation and Joe suppose to be on vacation last week but cancelled and on vacation this week. So I’ve not really had a lot of defined time. But life is going well. Mykle and I have been staying together for a couple months now and loving it. We enjoy each other’s company and do try to make sure that we respect eather other’s boundaries She is currently working but she will be home soon.

    I’ve learned a lot about Mykle being with her so much. She enjoy’s music over podcast, but she’ll listen to podcast for hours on end if they are crime related. (So we have few common interest with those). She enjoys having her own time each weekend when I work first shift Saturdays but when she has big plans she wants me to be there with her. I think it’s very sweet, and honestly I can’t lie I’m the same way.

    I also love that I’m able to share so much with Mykle and don’t have to worry about her being upset. If I say something or I’m simply trying to discuss and idea she listens and gives me honest feedback. She doesn’t become upset and understands sometimes I’m not trying to be mean, I’m just protective because of the harm I’ve had from previous relationships.

    Honestly Mykle coming into my life has been one of the best things that happened to me.

  • Progress!

    Today I spent the evening in my house working on insulating where the windows were installed. It took me a few hours to get a wall done but it look so much better and honestly makes it feel more like a home.

  • My lady…Mykle

    So for those you who don’t know in the past few months I’ve started dating a wonderful woman named Mykle. When we initially started talking I told her right away that my faith was very important to me and she seemed to understand that. While she didn’t come from a religious background she did seem to support me with no issues. One night when I decided to stay the night with her I decided I’d invite her to church with me the following Sunday. I was scared when I talked to her that she would say no up front that it wasn’t for her but to my surprise she accepted the offer and attended with me that Sunday.

    Of course my wonderful family at the Lyons Community Church accepted her with open arms. My favorite part is that she hasn’t stopped coming. She has been there with me every Sunday that I’ve been since even during the pandemic when we had to watch the service from our cars. Honestly I was a little scared to date at first as both of us had been hurt in our last relationship but Ironically I think it has made our stronger because we understand each others fear and we communicate things better as a result. I don’t feel like I’m there just putting a band aid on her wounds but rather working with her to make sure she heals properly. I’ve honestly not been this happy in a long time.

    Now the funny part, the first service our Pastor Larry joked that we were married, the second service when we were playing with Miss Jolena he joked we’d be having babies. At the time I was kinda embarrassed because I didn’t know if I would ever get that serious but now that I’ve really got to know her I’ve fallen in love with her and could see that happening in the years down the road.

  • The Quickest Teleconference I’ve ever attended.

    This morning I attended a teleconference for something I should have attended in person last month but was a little over an hour’s drive away. I had expected that it would be kinda lengthy. That considering I’d drive and appear in person It would be about 30 minutes. I logged onto the call 5 minutes early. Waited 5 minutes for the meeting to start and then began waiting on the line for the meeting to begin. Meeting begin promptly at 11:45A.M. to my surprise it ended it just 6 minutes. I’d expected it to take much longer.

  • Are you Ready?

    Today’s sermon at church was actually about the coming end of the world. It could have easily been titled are you ready? It was quite eye opening for some If you aren’t ready you will be left behind during the rapture. If you are you will ride in on the clouds with God. I do believe we are closer now than we ever have been before to this event happening.

    I’m hoping I’m not one of those left behind.

  • New Computer/New Phone…Who dis?

    So I recently when all in on…Apple products. I now proudly own a Macbook Pro 15″, the iPhone 11 Pro Max and of course my Apple watch. It’s lovely being able to do so much from a laptop with out having to pick up my phone. Granted it doesn’t do everything. I still have to pick up the phone to snapchat but I can easily use messenger and easily email and text from here which has been a God send. I love not having to pick up my phone every time it buzzes. This has been an awesome experience. I now also see why those that have been in the Apple ecosystem lock for so long really don’t want to leave. The ease of use and the hand off things are amazing. I won’t keep rambling on but I’ll post more about this later.

  • Welcome back

    As you can tell my writing has been on hiatus for the past couple months. My work schedule has been off, my study schedule has been off and I’ve even tried to dedicate just a bit more time to working on my house. I’ve also spent a little bit of time with a new girlfriend. She has made her rounds to a couple family things (Mom & household) and my church family (Including Uno Sunday). So far she’s received a great reception. People seem to think we are meant for each other. Don’t tell her but I’m wondering the same thing myself.

    For the first time in that I can recall. I have someone that not only accepts that I have a Christian Faith but allows me to embrace. While it’s not her background she has begun to attend with my when I go. Honestly when I invited her to go I figured she’d decline but she accepted with no issue. Since then she’s been attendance with my every service I have been to. Our pastor really likes her, the leaders in the church really like and I really like her. So win win. 🙂