
  • My mamaw’s Obituary

    Rita Ann Henderson

    April 27, 1952 – March 5, 2021

    Rita Ann Henderson, 68, of Bedford, passed away on Friday, March 5, 2021 at her residence.

    She was born April 27, 1952, in Lawrence County to Erie and Knoxie (Hughes) Terrell. She was a widow.

    Rita Ann was a homemaker, of the Christian faith and a prayer warrior. She loved dancing, singing, and spending time with her family.

    Surviving to cherish her memory are one daughter, Angela (J.R.) Morris; one son, Curtis Nicholson; six grandchildren, Lynette Roach, Phillip Adcock, Paul Adcock, Bret Adcock, Ashley Bell, and Wyatt Nicholson; one great-grandchild, Kelan Roach; four sisters, Geraldine Gaines, Connie Murphy, Sharon Ratliff, and Marcia Canada; one brother, Gary Terrell; and several nieces and nephews.

    Preceding Rita Ann in death were her parents; two sisters, Catherine Walls and Helen Deckard; and two brothers, Vernie Terrell and Wilbert Terrell.

    Services for Rita Ann will be held Friday, March 12, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. at the Ferguson-Lee Chapel in Bedford with Brother Randy McVey officiating. Visitation will be Friday, from 11:00 a.m. until the service hour at the chapel. Burial will follow in Beech Grove Cemetery.

    Online condolences may be sent to the family at

  • Thanking God for my church Family

    I’m sure many of you reading this have attended a church. Most of you I’d also guess have also been church hurt. I’ve been there, I’ve been let down by people that told me they’d alway’s be there and all I had to do was call. Many of you probably know at this point that I’m a proud member of the Lyons Community Church. Since there very beginning of me going the other members of the church have been loving and have offered to help out when they could.

    Yesterday a loved one of my cousin need a ride to rehab so that she could get the help she needed to kick an addiction. I needed to head to bed so I was unable to drive her. She was suppose to be taken by a family member but they became very rude and aggressive. I quietly whispered to her to hang up which she did. I then called my Pastor to let him know they pickle I’d just encountered and see if he had any ideas on who might possibly be able to help. He recommended I get ahold of a woman in the church. I messaged her through FB and with in minutes she was calling my cell. I explained to her the situation this girl was in and that she was trying to get the help she needed she just didn’t have the transportation needed to get there. My friend gladly called someone who could help and a ride was arranged. I prayed with my cousin and his loved one before I left then also checked in with my church contact. I’m so glad that the people in my church are dependable and do hold up to their promises.

  • To my imperfect, but almost perfect mother

    Dear Mom,

    We both know that you’ve been through a lot in life, heck we’ve both been through some big trials together. I just wanted to let you know that even though you may be imperfect thats fine with me. I’ve saw some of the mistakes you’ve made and can use that to learn from myself. I can take some of the wisdom you’ve shared with me and be wiser with out the pain. Because of you I can thrive. You’ve been there through my ups and downs and supported me when I lost my footing…more than once in life. While I may not have always been able to count on the people that I thought I could count on. I’ve always been able to count on you. Even when I didn’t agree with your lesson plan. Thank you for putting up with my in my stubborn teenage years and dumb early twenties. Just wanted to let you know that you did alright. I’m proud of who I am today and it’s because I’ve watched you. Love you mom!

    Your son,


  • Mini Praise Report

    Well yesterday when I called my mom she told me that I had received a check in the mail from a car place. I knew the name the moment she told me. I asked her to conform that it was indeed a real check and not one of those promotional checks bring this in and we’ll give you the value of this…..Well she opened it and confirmed it was a check in my name. I put the money in my account and then last night Mykle got stuck on her way home from work. I had her call a couple tire places in Bloomington and get prices for tires. She sent me the price and it’s literally $2 more than the face value of the check I received. I thought this was amazing.

    The other thing that fascinates me about this is when I received this check unexpectedly I said I to myself I want to use at least some of this money to bless someone else since I’d already forgot about the money I’d spent with them. Well turns out I’m blessing my fiancée just didn’t know it. So mini praise report thanking God for sending me the money at just the right time to make sure she was taken care of and for keeping her safe last night on her way home.

  • So guess what!?!?!?!

    Photos from our engagement photoshoot/couples pictures. Photos courtesy of talented photographer Jamey McVey

    Many of you may know or may have heard by now that I popped the question. After putting up with me through thick and thin and through all of the topsy turvy that was 2020 I asked my darling Mykle if she would marry me. Mykle of course said yes. I was insanely nervous that I might have read all the signs wrong, that she might not say yes or she may second guess it at the very last moment. But thankfully my nervousness didn’t result in her answer being less than favorable. It was an intimate little photo shoot. Mykle, I, my mother Angie, Jamey’s daughter Addie, and Jamey herself where the only ones there. If you haven’t been to Goosepond it’s a beautiful little wetland just outside Linton which a cute little bridge just off the side of the road.

    If you’d like to leave a congratulations feel free to text me and I’ll share with Mykle or leave it in the comments below. Here’s to a happy engagement with my Beautiful Mykle.

  • Do you forget?

    This morning as I drove to Boston I was listening to Joyce Meyer’s enjoying your everday life. As I was listening she was talking about things people get in a hurry and forget about as they head out the door. She mentioned people forgetting to put on make-up, a watch, their cell phone. She asked the audience “Would you go back and get the item if you forgot it at home?”. She had a good point, to often we leave the house and don’t think twice if we have spent time with God. Often times my conversation with God is while I’m driving or when I’m just sitting at home and eating or getting ready to head out. But Joyce’s point is still good. We need to remember that even if we forget to pray before we walk out the door, we need to slow down and pray. Personally I like to think that I can always talk to the Holy Spirit. I found myself today when working with the break out welder, saying thank you Jesus every time I was able to weld one of the pieces I had so much trouble getting the computer to align. The nice thing about the environment that I was in is it’s slightly noise so I’m able to sing/hum where I’m not disturbing others but still getting some worship time in. Thank you Jesus for watching over me and thank you for making sure that for the most part I kept money in my pocket through the difficult time of unemployment.

  • Just a reminder…exciting news

    Many of you may know that I’m currently dating a wonderful woman named Mykle. We are excited for 1/17 as we are going to get couple pictures done. My friend Jamey McVey has agreed to take pictures for us so we can have a beautiful set of pictures that we will look back on forever. This was something Jamey actually offered to do when I was discussing that Mykle has been wanting it done for a minute now.  While I’m not particularly photogenic I’m excited that she is getting something she wants. (Pictures to be posted following shoot and receipt of images)

    Other exciting news I start at Boston Scientific on 1/11. I’ve been waiting on this since about the beginning of December but my positive Covid Diagnosis and resulting quarantine slowed my start date. Upon completing mandated quarantine and being symptom free for over a week. I was told I needed to take another test which was a false negative, then required to take another covid test which was actually just negative.  Finally after the Covid-19 ordeal I will be starting a new place of employment.

    Friendly reminder our church is having services. If you are unable to attend due to health reason’s, commute is just to far, or not sure if our service fits you, check out our facebook page Lyons Community Church Events and see our live broadcast.

    I’m hoping to work up the courage to speak with Pastor Larry or Assistant Pastor Leslie about how to pray, study, and step into God’s plan of winning youth to his kingdom.

  • Wonderful Trip

    Wonderful Trip

    Recently Mykle and I drove down to see her father Tim. Thats where I’m currently writing this from. We came down for New Years Eve/New Years day since he and his wife Becky were unable to make it up to Indiana for Christmas. We have 4 1/2 days down here so we decided to drive back to the mountain like we did last time we were here and enjoy the view. It’s about 45 minutes away but the views from it when the sky’s are clear are wonderful. We enjoyed being able to look out and see the towns below. Today we went out and did a little bit of shopping and site seeing as we were bored just sitting at home. It’s a beautiful area down here but I do miss being at home. Sleeping in my own bed is just so much nicer.

    As always Becky and Tim’s hospitality has been amazing. They’ve made sure that we felt welcomed and last night we even played phase Ten amongst all the adults. I’ve never played this game before and some how actually managed to win it. We love being able to come see them and are so glad they have a spacious home that can accommodate us. We still have at least the remainder of tonight and tomorrow and possibly part of Sunday before we leave. Anyways signing off. Love ya’ll & Happy New Year.

  • New Macbook. YAY!!

    So this week I went and purchased a new Macbook Pro 16 Inch. (It’s technically a 2019 design model) It has a Core I9 intel chip inside. So far I’ve not had any lag with it. It’s super snappy, the keyboard feels great to type on. While I most certainty can feel the difference in key travel on the Macbook versus Mid-2009 Macbook Pro. I’ve become use to it over the last couple days and I’m going to have to say that I love it. I’ve figured out some of the unique way to use the touch bar versus the standard function key keyboard. This mac does also have a real escape key on it so no matter what I have going on with the touch bar their is still the escape key. I love the convenience of using Touch ID to unlock my Mac or verifying that it’s me trying to get into my passwords. I also finally purchased a new mouse to use with Mac. The Logitech M720, it will allow me to sync up to three computers to it at a time and I simply have to hit the switch button to move over to the other computer and control it’s mouse. It’s absolutely awesome. Anyways I hope Christmas is finding everyone well. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  • What I’m currently reading

    What I’m currently reading

    I’m currently reading Joyce Meyer’s The Power of Prayer. It’s a book that not only discuss how important prayer is but teaches you how to have a better prayer life. I’m currently up to chapter 4. It’s been a quick read so far but it’s so so good. I really enjoy reading this title. I’m also working on Perry Stone’s The Code to the Holy Spirit but it’s a bit more deep. I’m currently loving what I’m reading.