
  • Things are getting exciting

    So as many of you know that I’m planning a move to Bloomfield. We officially have a date for when the family is planning to come up and start the process for when we can take possession. We’ve been told that we will be into our home by the time the Wedding is around and we are so excited. I’ve been looking online at desk and I can’t wait to get into our new place so that I can have a third monitor for working from home.

  • Working from home…One week in.

    So today is a little more than one week into my work from home experience. I have to say that I’m really enjoying it. I’ve only been able to ink out a couple days of physical work out. I feel like I’ve been doing a bit more around the house to help out with chores. Not so much yesterday or today but the other days lol. It’s been an adjustment to be sitting back down for 8-10 hours at a time and not really being up away from my desk much. Since it’s been a few months and during those months I was working on my feet for 10 hour days. I’m really enjoying what I’m doing because I’m back in the contact center world. I can definitely see making this a career as new the company grows.

  • Working From Home

    Well as many of you probably know I recently took a job for a call center. With the current pandemic going on it was convenient as I’m able to be a supervisor for a contact center and do it all remotely. While I haven’t yet got into the full aspects of the job yet, as I’ve been in training along with agents…I’ve enjoyed being able to work from home. My previous job from my current residence was 45 minute drive one way. So I spent 1.5 hours a day in just commuting, if I avoiding get stuck behind any accidents or having to take any detours on the way home. My job prior to that to this residence was a 25 minute drive so 50 minutes a day spent communicating for that job. This job, I wake up, get dressed and I only have to walk to the living room. My plan tomorrow night is go to bed earlish, wake up go for a short walk or even possibly a bike ride then come home and pour a cup of coffee before I start my shift at 9a.

    Something else I’m enjoying about this job is that we are using modern software. I’m working on my Macbook pro which I love. I do use my external logitech keyboard for almost all my typing just because it has the number keypad but it’s been great to have that there as a resource. Thankfully Mykle allowed me to rearrange the living room so now I’m no longer staring directly at the wall in the living room. There is now a walkway between the wall and my desk as my desk is facing our bathroom. This was actually done intentionally to allow us both to access the most of the house without fear she may be caught on camera. While I can’t wait to move and have my own room as on office, I’m still curious to see if I can find decent internet available to the property.

  • Sermon Studies

    The past two Sunday services I’ve attended our pastor has preached on sacrificing. Not just sacrificing as a means to get by but in being willing to give up everything you have for the cost of lost souls. The ultimate reward being death and being sent into Heaven to receive a crown of Jewels. After the first sermon my fiance and I discussed getting involved in missions trips and traveling to help others after we get married. Mykle & I also spoke with our Pastor following this Sundays service and expressed our interest with him. Tonight I took the time to transcribe my hand written notes into my digital notebook I keep inside onenote.

    I’m excited for Mykle & I to start our Journey in life together by getting married on July 10th and I’m glad I found someone who has taken as much interest in our church as I do.

  • Isn’t life beautiful?

    Isn’t life beautiful?

    As many of you know I’m engaged to get married, it’s taking place this coming July. We’ve been working on acquiring things needed to host the wedding and reception, serving plates, silverware, decorations, & even cake stands. Things are slowly coming together. We’ve taste tested food that is going to be brought out for our wedding, We didn’t tell the vendor as we wanted to be surprised but it’s safe to say that I think everyone will enjoy the catering company we have found. I love the family and friends that have been invited. The more we go out the more I want to show her off. We’re slowly working on getting things on track, planning budgets, figure out what we want, not going out to eat 24/7. I actually feel like I have found my partner and not just another sleeping buddy. Things have changed for the better in the time we’ve been together, I watch my tongue more, I pray more, I’m drawer closer to God as well as she is. We’re working on being a strong faith based relationship and I couldn’t be happier. 

  • Positive Vibe…Positive Tribe

    I’ve been reminded this week that what you put into the atmosphere has a big impact on what you will perceive. I’d been having some issues at work with being delegated more work than anyone else. I was working a full two stations by myself while others where working 1 or even a 3rd of one station. So I felt like I was being asked to do above and beyond with out being compensated or even really recognized. But I decided when I returned to work after my mini vacation to Alabama that I was going in with the attitude that this is going to be a great day. I started off my morning by texting my momma. “This is the day the lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” This was a verse that was stuck in my head from the moment I woke up. Believe it or not this made all the difference in the atmosphere around me, I heard less cursing, I heard less rude comments, and overall everyone seemed in a better mood.

    This story reminds me of the book from Joyce Meyer called Battlefield of the Mind. This book illustrated how many of our battles simply exist in our own head and if we go with an attitude that today is going to be good, for God has ordained this path before me that that is what our heart and our minds will seek. It sometimes gets hard to keep this up but when you force yourself to do it. The pay off is worth it in the end.

  • What if God returned today?!?

    As many of you are away today is Sunday. The day of the week I look forward to. Mykle & I made it to church today. A friend of mine there was a bit upset which of course got me a bit upset but then the Praise & Worship started and then Pastor Larry delivered his sermon. I must say that I really enjoyed the message. His sermon was titled Wake up!! The sermon was on not letting the devil steal from you by being blind. He actually had a few of the youth go around the church and ask various members for items from them that they could put up on the stage. They took quite a few things with out being known why they where asked. Then Larry says see it looked good for a moment but look how much stuff the devil took and not one person tried to stop them. It’s true when you are living in Sin things look all Shiny and cool but then just like sin does it starts to stink. I’m far from perfect, lord knows this but I want to get closer to him. So thank you lord for a sermon that hit home.

  • Wedding Invites

    Our Wedding invites our finally going out in the mail and have been handed out to the friends & family we see frequently. We can’t wait to see everyone on our big day. I can’t wait to see some of my Burn Camp family that have impacted me greatly and even shaped me into the man I am today. I’m absolutely ecstatic that a few have said they will for sure be there.

  • Life goes on

    So as many of you have probably heard especially if you read this blog my mamaw passed away on March 5th. This past weekend Mykle & took my mom with us down to Huntsville, Alabama to visit Mykle’s father and step mom. It was a good trip and a chance for my mom to just escape from the hustle and bustle of the day to day life we live back home. While there where a few moments I couldn’t tell if she was enjoying it or not I was glad that when we got close to home and I asked her she said yes she had enjoyed the break. Now we are back to living out our nine to five lives and running constantly.

    I have started having stress related issues with my body, but I’m hoping lots of sleep tonight and a good spring cleaning tomorrow and hopefully I’ll be good as new.

    Take care all….also remember to RSVP to wedding which is on July 10th.

  • So yes… I think there may be a turn around.

    So as many of you know my mamaw passed away on March 5th. This was very difficult for our family as we where all close with her. The joy of the lord that my mamaw carried was apparent to everyone who met her. Nathaniel who spoke a bit at the funeral mentioned how she would pray for anyone, anywhere, with out a second thought. I’d say for about the last six months the lord has been dealing with me to be more diligent in prayer. Reminding me that my power is prayer is greater when I’m praying for what others are needing from God then when I myself am praying. This is not saying that God doesn’t answer my prayers or that those prayers said are simply weaker, this is that God finds favor on prayers that are said from someone who is being a servant to another, the one that is after God’s own heart.

    With the passing of my mamaw almost immediately after the news I felt in my spirit that God was saying now is the time to answer the call. My mamaw was the prayer warrior, if you where sick and she prayed over you with in the hour you felt better. I felt like God put in my spirit that it’s my time to pick up the stick and start being available pretty much 24/7 for people to pray a heart felt, a true prayer unto God.

    Also I felt like the chance to witness to a family member who was struggling by simply remind them that what my mamaw would want in their life more than anything is for them to have a personal relationship with Christ. That way when we pass we can join mamaw in heaven and worship Christ together into eternity.