Author: Phil Adcock

  • House Husband. Hopefully working Husband very soon.

    So I just completed the first of four interviews this week. The first interview was at the local hardware store which would be idea for a commute. Only about 6 mins down the road and technically all downhill from my home. Tomorrow I after an interview for another remote position and then later that day for an insurance position. Wish me luck as I conquer these interviews.

    Here’s to hoping I start getting income coming in again and can start sharing house responsibilities with my wife again.

  • 9/11/2001

    I’m sitting here twenty years later. It’s that day every year that American’s adult’s heart strings are pulled. We are now twenty years since once of the most devastating attacks of terrorism that have taken place on American Soil. I can remember where I was. I was in Mrs. Chastain’s 3rd grade class. I remember that the school tried to insulate us from what was going on. Our school went on lock down, at the time no reason was given, but looking back I know it’s because the teachers were unsure where the next attack on America was coming to.

    I don’t remember everyday of 3rd grade or many days of elementary school at this point in my life, but I still remember this day. The school didn’t let us know what the issue was. It was the one day we ate our meal inside our classroom at our desk instead of travelling to the cafeteria. It was a day that we didn’t have recess but rather spend the day in the classroom. I still remember all of the teachers and staff that were coming around to check on students all being very sad but none of them told us what was going on. It wasn’t until I arrived home and saw my mother crying watching the TV that I learned what was going on. There had been an attack on American Soil and America didn’t know what was next to come.

    Each year I watch videos about the attacks on 9/11. It’s an event I’ll never forget. I scroll through my facebook and see firefighter friends that actually lost people they were close with that perished that day. Each year I make it almost a mission to watch a documentary and reflect on the events that took place that day.

    Am I still proud to be an American, you better believe it. I’ll be a proud American for as long as I keep my freedoms. I don’t always agree with what’s going on in America. I don’t agree with a lot of the politics that take place inside Washington D.C. I feel there is a lot of attack on American Christians and I feel like many of the laws that are covertly passed are trying to chip away at American freedoms and our God given rights as an American to worship God as we please. I do understand that we in a pandemic but when the government and mainstream media want to dictate what our churches are saying and preaching thats when I start having issues with them.

    To all those that perished on 9/11. I pray your families continue to honor your memory and legacy. To those of us who watched from afar as history was made. I pray that you never forget the day, that you remember to love your neighbor, to put your differences aside and remember that we are all in this together. In fact that is what our government leaders fear most, a nation that is united and expects them to work for us and not the lobbyist. I will continue to pray for my local and national leaders. And I pray that God’s favor remains upon this great nation.

    Looking forward to a fabulous church service tomorrow over at Lyons Community Church and hope to have a fire burning in my soul that no man shall ever be able to extinguish. Our church is located at 165 N Kirk St, Lyons, In. Service starts at 10:30a. As my Pastor Leslie says…Be blessed on purpose.

  • Weekend Babysitting

    So I’m currently staying at my sisters house for the weekend. She and her husband went to Ohio for some sort of dirt track racing event they go to every year. The reason I’m staying here. A child and two dogs. My nephew, who sometimes reminds me of myself. Pre-ordered the new NBA game. #NBA2K22. He didn’t wanna go camping with mom and dad because he knew the game was coming out so he had his mom try to find someone that could stay with him during the nights so he didn’t have to go. He didn’t want to stay elsewhere because he wanted to be able to play his game. So my sis asked me and since it’s a stunt I would pull for a new game or new tech… I had to say yes lol.

    So here I am spending an evening waiting on my beautiful wife to get off work and listen to my nephew talk to all his buddies on the playstation network while I fool around on my Macbook.

  • A Birthday Vacation

    So my wife & I decided to travel down to Alabama to see her father for a vacation. Since my birthday fell on a holiday weekend and it wasn’t her assigned weekend to work. We’ve enjoyed sightseeing in both Alabama and Southern Tennessee. We’ve enjoyed a swim in the salt water pool and a couple dips in the hot tub. This vacation has been awesome and Mykle along with her father and step-mom surprised me on my birthday with cake and ice cream. It may not sound like a huge deal but I just enjoy knowing that I’m cared for.

    Anyways, we are starting to pack up to head back north so I’ll try to save a few images and upload them to the site later. Have a blessed day ya’ll and BE BLESSED ON PURPOSE!!

  • Relationships. A Sermon by Leslie English

    These are the notes from a recent sermon preached at Lyons Community Church. Our new Pastor has been delivering on time and amazing messages.

    Subject: Relationships…Are you competing or completing?

    Biblical References: Ephesians 5:31; Proverbs 22:6

    Message Notes:

    • Competing: Striving against one another to gain or win something.
    • Completing: Making (Something) whole or perfect.
    • We must love the other side of our relationship.

    *Marriage: You spiritually become connected as one flesh.

    • We need to speak to make sure we are building up our spouse.
    • Communication is not confrontation.
    • Communicating is to talk and work things out in love.


    • Train a child in the way they should go.
    • Do not compete against your children.

    *Friendship, Co-Workers, & Church Body:

    • Are you pouring your whole heart into everything that you do?
    • Are you pouring Jesus into every relationship you have?
    • Are you cheating the time clock or being dishonorable to God?
    • Don’t compete against your friends but build them up and let them build you up. It doesn’t take anything away from you.

    Our GREATEST task is sharing the Gospel of Jesus.

  • Loving the life I’m living…

    Loving the life I’m living…

    Wow! There have been quite a few changes in just the last two months. I married my best friend, Mykle. So now I have my beautiful and supportive wife by my side. I had started a work from home job back in late June but after the company tried to stiff me on 5 hours I talked it over with my wife and we decided it was best I depart now and not get to invested with them. At the beginning of this month my beloved Pastor Larry resigned from the church as Pastor to pursue missions and evangelism. I will continue to keep in touch with him as he travels. But I welcome and embrace our new Pastor Leslie English. I’ve asked her and her mother to pray for me as I was on a job search and I believe the answer to my prayers has finally landed. A job a stocker in hospital working 6a-2:30p M-F and 1 Sunday every 5 weeks.

    Many of your probably know by now but I try to make it to both the morning and evening services on Sundays we are in town. I say when we are in town because last Sunday we went to Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari in Santa Claus, In with some of the family. Next weekend we are planning on taking a trip out of town. Our initial plan is to go and visit her father and step-mom in Alabama. However her father currently has a 6mm Kidney stone stuck just outside his left kidney. So prayers the surgery this coming Monday goes well. That being said we are unsure if they will feel up to having guest after the surgery so we are currently brainstorming back up plans in case our original plan falls through. So we will be missing a couple Sunday services at our home church but only because we are traveling and enjoying each other’s company.

    Anyways, just wanted to share a few updates with you all and let you know that I’m so excited to see what God has in store for us.

  • Life a little more happy

    So as many of you know that I recently married my best friend Mykle, officially started the process of updating the name everywhere and updating our address at both banks. (She still has hers & I mine….both names on both accounts) Anyways I noticed that I’m super happy with life now, I don’t know what it was about getting married but having her by my side has really just improved my life. We’re slowly working on getting the house to more of what we want and a little different than what it was when we moved into it. We aren’t making any drastic changes, but rather we are doing things like getting different furniture in the home, painting walls, and changing out old appliances. My stepdad came over last weekend and replaced the faucet in our kitchen that had been leaking and running down. I also changed out the shower head inside of my bathroom.

  • Bible Studies affect your life

    Many of you may or may not know that I have had struggles in my life with viewing pornography. I use to view it daily. It was one of the hardest things to turn from. Even harder then not being in a sexual relationship. But I have found that when I do bible studies and spend my time in the word of God it honestly becomes easier to deal with this sin. It’s not that I never have the temptation. I’m not even saying I’ll never fail again. I’m simply saying I have found that reading books that are written by fellow Christians and help you walk in life in line with what God wants for you, it becomes a slight bit easier to fight the enemy. I was quite surprised at how much this has helped. It’s easy to pretend to be holy, to not let others see that I have failed and to continue to live each day of my life as though I’m totally free of sin. But I still know that I will meet my creator in Heaven one day and I do not wish to be cast into the pit of fire for the deeds I did in secret. So daily I ask for forgiveness. Daily I’m trying to live better.

    Thank you father for giving me the strength to fight my battles and to live closer to you each day.

  • The Big day has come…and gone!

    Wow! What a beautiful ceremony I got to take place in. They said Mykle would be absolutely beautiful when I saw her and they were not kidding. She turned the corner from the Sunday School room with her dad by her side and it took everything in me not to cry at how marvelous she looked. All the stress that we have both endured the last two months was very much worth it. The church was beautiful, the reception was beautiful.

    The funny thing is that I actually forgot the marriage paperwork at home so I actually had to retrieve it so that our pastor could sign the paperwork. I’m excited to have Mykle not only in my corner but to have her share my last name with me.

  • It’s almost the big day!

    Woah! It’s been six months since I asked Mykle if she would marry me and now we are just days before we tie the knot. It’s exciting and also nerve racking at the same time. We’ve already applied for the license at the courthouse and have started to move into the new house in Bloomfield. Come Saturday, I’ll legally be joined to the woman that I love. This past Sunday our church said a blessings prayer over me and I’m so excited for what the lord can do in our life.

    As a reminder the location for the wedding is Lyons Community Church. It will take place July 10th, 2021 at 3p. Reception to follow at the Lyons Community Center located right behind the church. Looking forward to seeing everyone and to introduce everyone to my wife. Much love!