Author: Phil Adcock

  • A Busy Weekend

    Man oh man, has this past weekend been busy. Thursday- Monday I was on call for work as the admissions coordinator so even outside of the office I had the admissions phone. Saturday I had the Solemn Assembly: Calling Out Esther’s and Mordecai’s which ran from 9a-7p. It was a great event with awesome fellowship and speaking. Sunday we had our annual Fall Church Cook out. Even more awesome fellowship with the church family and centered around a nice toasty campfire. Tonight was the Fields of Faith hosted at the WRV High School, I had intended to go to this event but work kept me working late which made it difficult to make it to that event.

    Updating the church website has been fun however, I removed the list of events that took place this week on the website and look forward to adding even more events in the futture.

  • What’s been consuming my time recently?

    So much has been going on in the last few weeks. I’ve taken on a role as a webmaster for a local church. I’m not currently linking to their site because it’s not important. What’s important to me is that God’s being glorified by my role as webmaster. It’s given me a new purpose at that church as well. I’ve also been doing Adult Bible Studies authored by Priscilla Shrier. They’ve been an excellent resource in teaching me so much about myself.

    I’ve also recently decided to take a change in how I approach people. Even long time friends. It’s no longer about what I can do for them or what they can do for me but about just trying to be understanding. Life happens, it’s easy to get tangled up. I’ve noticed people’s ability to prioritize or de-prioritize you will be based upon their environment. If you are super beneficial to them you’ll be high, but if someone else comes along and offers them attention they will discard you faster than a bad penny.

    What I’m looking forward to is taking the oldest to the Jordan Feliz concert in late October. I’ve asked her to go with me so that I didn’t have to go alone. She agreed and asked to bring a friend which I told her would be fine. I believe my mother and possibly my brother may attend but even if not I won’t be alone. I’m beyond excited to be able to share this moment with her and share a little Jesus with her.

  • It’s me again!

    I hope as you are reading this you are doing well. You probably notice that it’s been a while since I’ve posted. I’ve been dealing with some depression post divorce. It’s been a struggle to get out of bed some days but through God I’ve made it through each day.

    If you ask me my life looks so different then it did since Mykle and I split. I still work for the same facility that I was working at when we split but we have changed names and ownership. I still get up each morning and try and put a smile on my face as I go out the door. Some days are more difficult than others. I’ve learned that some people I thought I could count on no matter what aren’t there like I expected them to be. I’ve had numerous people who I thought considered me priority show me that I’m not quite the priority that I thought I was. But GOD! I’ve made it through it all. This isn’t a post to glorify mental health. This is a post to glorify that each day I wake up because a God in heaven is not done with me yet. Today I’ve spent most of my day updating the church website found (Here). Feel free to go check it out and come back here and comment what you’d like to see it added.

  • It’s been a minute

    It has been a minute since I’ve taken time to blog about anything going on in my life. After attending the latest Young Adult retreat put together by Hoosier Burn Camp the retreat focused on mental health. I decided to start journaling. Blogging is kind of my public journal, but the paper journal I’ve started keeping is my little safe space. Where I write down thoughts that I wouldn’t share beyond a few close people. While I may or may not let them read everything on the pages depending on whom they are. It’s meant to be a place for me to look back and see how far I’ve come from, but also safe place and a retreat to document my thoughts.

  • Medication Reminders

    So I have for many years struggled with taking medication routinely and in a schedule fashion. I’ve recently set up a reminder on my phone that has me check off the medication I’ve taken. A nifty feature is it will also let me know when I add a new medications I’m taken, if there is a known drug interaction it will alert me.

    Part of the checking the box mentality has me clearing the reminder daily by taking the medication and checking it off as done.

  • Nerd talk…Beta’s!!!s

    Well yesterday as we were travelling back to Mykle’s dad’s in Huntsville, AL from our beautiful anniversary trip in Gulfport, MS I discovered that Apple had released the public Beta’s for apple devices. So while in the car, I downloaded the iOS16 and iPadOS16 beta’s once we arrived and got settled in, I fired up the Macbook Pro and downloaded the Mac OS Ventura Beta, along with the WatchOS9 Beta. So far I’m really digging the new updates, but time will tell if the updates are bug riddled or if one of the new features just pushes me over the edge. But for now, Phil is liking the new and shiney. I’ll update with my thoughts as things go on.

  • A vacation to remember

    A vacation to remember

    So Mykle & I took our first vacation alone. We travelled down to Gulfport, MS for our 1-year Anniversary/Honeymoon trip. While the drive was little long, it was certainly worth it. Beautiful views, we have a house to ourselves that sleeps six directly looking over the ocean. Along the ocean is a walkable sidewalk, next to a beautiful coastal highway. Last night as it got cooler out, Mykle and I took a walk down to the ocean to dip our toes in and the beautiful sand was so soft.

    For dinner last night we tried a wonderful Hibachi place, food was delicious and as the the food was being cooked we were able to enjoy the scenic ocean view. We also decided that we would take a trip and explore the town a little more last night and definitely enjoyed our experience cruising the town together. She and I have both agreed we could make this a yearly anniversary trip and enjoy the heck out of it. Anyways, back to vacation enjoy our selfie with this post.

  • Listening to a Sermon today

    Well today is Sunday July 3rd, 2022. I went to church this morning and listened to an awesome Sermon from Pastor Lesli about glorifying God in all that we do. I came home and decided that while I was doing some housework, I was going to listen to some of the conference CD’s from Perry Stone’s Main Event conference. As I was listening I got so excited, the teacher stated that when Satan fell he only took 1/3 of the Angels with him Which means in Heaven we have two angels that are warring on our behalves. This means for any demonic attack coming against us that we have two Heavenly angelic beings that will war against them and allow us to come out victorious. This really excited me, so much show that I stopped shaving and called my mom. Anyways Be blessed on purpose and have an awesome week.

  • Unforgiveness

    Throughout our life we have forgiven others for their wrongdoings toward us. But have we really forgiven them from the heart? Everyone has been hurt at some point in their life. It could be someone that said something hurtful to you, rejected you or said a false report about you, and you become hurt.

    In Mark 11:25-26 it read’s :And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any; that your father also which is in Heaven may forgive, neither will your father which is Heaven, forgive your tresspasses.”

    So, are we really forgiving others, or are we being bound by unforgiveness? You can tell someone, “I forgive you”, but if it is not from your heart, then it is just words without meaning. If we want to walk that path with Christ, we must be like Christ. God did not look down on you and decide that he wouldn’t forgive you just because you hurt him deeply with your sins. God has compassion and he forgives you, no matter what you have done. So why can’t we truly forgive the person that has hurt us? You will feel a great difference in your life when you truly forgive. A clean heart is a pure heart.

    Publishers note: The above written text is copied from a sermon written by Brian Adcock of Bedford, In.

    Testimonial: Sometimes God opens the door to forgiveness years after the hurt has taken place. In a place you’d never expect to have to approach this person and make things right such as a small country diner in the middle of nowhere…One thing I can testify to is that if it’s God telling you to say something, it will burn inside you till you do it. And I’m glad that to this day I made peace with the person that tried to kill me. I feel better about myself and about my afterlife.

  • What’s your testimony?

    Have you ever had someone in ministry, or even someone who knew you were a Christian ask you this? I for years dreaded this question because when I got asked what my testimony was the only thing I could usually think of, if I was lucky was something good that happened that week. Some weeks I dreaded that question because of my own negative and struggled to find something Good that had happened in the last week…However I can say Thank You Lord, I have a different perspective on life now. I’m no longer bound by negative but I know that my king died for me and that through him I do truly live a more abundant life. I am a child of the MOST HIGH KING! Amen!

    Anyways what comes to mind when I think of my testimony is finally having God’s grace to forgive the person who tried to kill me when I was 16 years old. I won’t mention their name is it’s now under grace, but for years I always thought to myself then would ask for forgiveness, but I thought is this going to keep me from getting into heaven. The day that I made the step to forgive her wasn’t a day that I would have expected to either. I walked into a local eatery and was having dinner with my wife, I had saw her sitting with friends eating as I walked in but avoided making any contact with her. The entire time I dined I was thinking to myself you really need to walk down there and just tell her you forgive her. Today could be your last chance. I finally convinced myself to do it but I told myself I was going to do it as we were leaving so that we could enjoy our meal and I wouldn’t have to worry if anything went sour about my dining experience be ruined. After eating and paying I approached her table and I identified myself in a way that she would know exactly who I was. I then referenced the incident that caused me so many years of pain and even hate towards the individual. She denied it but she and I both know the truth, plus she had admitted to doing so in a court hearing once so hey I know what’s s true…Anyways, I just looked at her and as calmly as I could as I was super nervous I said I just wanted you to know that I forgive you before I turned around and walked out. Getting into the car, I felt as though the weight over 2 tons just rolled off my shoulders. More recently, I have been cleaning the pews of the church with an upholstery shampooer, while not grand it’s a step into serving the ministry that I’ve not previously been a part of. I’m looking forward to see where I grow within the ministry and look forward to many years serving Lyons Community Church or wherever God has me to be.