The Door

If you knock at someone’s door, do you know who will answer it? We so often knock at doors throughout our lives without thinking about the consequence of what will happen when that door is opened. There are so many doors we can choose from everyday. When we knock at these doors they are opened to so many things. Everything from sickness, adultery, drugs, & even some leading to death. We choose the door that we knock on, but when it is opened and we enter in, then we want to blame others for our actions.

There should only be one door in our lives and that door is “Jesus Christ”. In Matthew 7: 7-8

7 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

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We must make sure that it is his door on which we are knocking. If it is, it definitely will be opened to you.

Satan likes to make his doors appealing to us. And when they are opened to us, we see a broad pathway with many alluring things to draw us in. But when we look upon the “Door of Christ”, all we see is an old rugged door with scars and holes where nails once were. And when it is opened to us, we see a narrow pathway with only the “Word” to draw us in. Don’t let the doors deceive , because the end result will be eternity in either Heaven or Hell. Which door will you choose?

This message was written by Brian Adcock during his stay in Prison 2008-2016