Yesterday when I came home, I checked the mail in the mailbox as usual to see what the day had brought. In it I received a card from my work. Upon opening it was a card entitled “Thank you” The card had a handwritten note thanking me for being so flexible with them and doing what they had asked of me and not complaining much of it. Inside the card though was also a folded piece of paper. It was printed a e-mail. I had taken a resident out as is standard business in my line of work, and I encountered a family member of that resident. The family membered emailed the staff at my company to say that he appreciated the attention, and patience I had given to their loved one in their time of need. He wanted to make sure that it got back to my supervisor that in their eyes I was an asset to my employer.
After having worked what felt like a day in forever, to come home to such a nice letter just made my day.