Wow! There have been quite a few changes in just the last two months. I married my best friend, Mykle. So now I have my beautiful and supportive wife by my side. I had started a work from home job back in late June but after the company tried to stiff me on 5 hours I talked it over with my wife and we decided it was best I depart now and not get to invested with them. At the beginning of this month my beloved Pastor Larry resigned from the church as Pastor to pursue missions and evangelism. I will continue to keep in touch with him as he travels. But I welcome and embrace our new Pastor Leslie English. I’ve asked her and her mother to pray for me as I was on a job search and I believe the answer to my prayers has finally landed. A job a stocker in hospital working 6a-2:30p M-F and 1 Sunday every 5 weeks.
Many of your probably know by now but I try to make it to both the morning and evening services on Sundays we are in town. I say when we are in town because last Sunday we went to Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari in Santa Claus, In with some of the family. Next weekend we are planning on taking a trip out of town. Our initial plan is to go and visit her father and step-mom in Alabama. However her father currently has a 6mm Kidney stone stuck just outside his left kidney. So prayers the surgery this coming Monday goes well. That being said we are unsure if they will feel up to having guest after the surgery so we are currently brainstorming back up plans in case our original plan falls through. So we will be missing a couple Sunday services at our home church but only because we are traveling and enjoying each other’s company.
Anyways, just wanted to share a few updates with you all and let you know that I’m so excited to see what God has in store for us.