Bible Studies affect your life

Many of you may or may not know that I have had struggles in my life with viewing pornography. I use to view it daily. It was one of the hardest things to turn from. Even harder then not being in a sexual relationship. But I have found that when I do bible studies and spend my time in the word of God it honestly becomes easier to deal with this sin. It’s not that I never have the temptation. I’m not even saying I’ll never fail again. I’m simply saying I have found that reading books that are written by fellow Christians and help you walk in life in line with what God wants for you, it becomes a slight bit easier to fight the enemy. I was quite surprised at how much this has helped. It’s easy to pretend to be holy, to not let others see that I have failed and to continue to live each day of my life as though I’m totally free of sin. But I still know that I will meet my creator in Heaven one day and I do not wish to be cast into the pit of fire for the deeds I did in secret. So daily I ask for forgiveness. Daily I’m trying to live better.

Thank you father for giving me the strength to fight my battles and to live closer to you each day.