As many of you are away today is Sunday. The day of the week I look forward to. Mykle & I made it to church today. A friend of mine there was a bit upset which of course got me a bit upset but then the Praise & Worship started and then Pastor Larry delivered his sermon. I must say that I really enjoyed the message. His sermon was titled Wake up!! The sermon was on not letting the devil steal from you by being blind. He actually had a few of the youth go around the church and ask various members for items from them that they could put up on the stage. They took quite a few things with out being known why they where asked. Then Larry says see it looked good for a moment but look how much stuff the devil took and not one person tried to stop them. It’s true when you are living in Sin things look all Shiny and cool but then just like sin does it starts to stink. I’m far from perfect, lord knows this but I want to get closer to him. So thank you lord for a sermon that hit home.
What if God returned today?!?
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